By Dr. Srikanth Narayanaswamy Sports Medicine Physician & MSK Radiologist
By Dr. Durga Joshi (Sports Physiotherapist)
At PLAY ZONE (Kasturi Nagar)
INJURY PREVENTION WORKSHOP ON FOOTBALL - By Dr. Akanksha Saini (Sports Physiotherapist)
Know more about
1. Understanding the mechanisms of injuries & Scientific preventive strategies among footballers.
2. Individualised sports specific functional testing
3. EQ testing-technology based performance assessment
YOS Celebrating its 4th Anniversary on 23rd OCTOBER 2021.
A big thanks to all our 3252 athletes on our anniversary, who were part of this journey!
USING WEARABLE DEVICES and technology to break down complex biomechanics into simplified & actionable insights.
Check your Athletic performance & Physical fitness for Return to Play.
Sports Health Professional's Meet 2021
On Saturday 11th September 2021 between 6.30 PM and 8.00 PM
RSVP: 9606475411
At YOS Sports Health Specialits
2nd Floor, No 1, Leela Palace Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560008
INJURY PREVENTION WORKSHOP on Badminton - By Dr. Akanksha Saini (Sports Physiotherapist)
Key points
1. Understanding the mechanism of common injuries in badminton.
2. Injuries prevention in badminton
3. Personalised assessments for all participants with tips to improve static and dynamic posture.
Return to play after a long Lockdown &/or Covid infection, can get you slow down with injury. Learn from the industry experts on safe landing to court with enhanced performance. .
REGISTER NOW →YOS inaugurating 4th destination in Bangalore at Karnataka Badminton Association, Vasanthnagar
Event Details →Join our Sports Physios for educational interactive session to understand prevention and management of Badminton injuries.
Event Details →A live webinar session on Musculoskeletal Screening: "A scientific way of managing your physical health" with Times Of India will be conducted on 13th March 2021 at 4.30 PM. All are invited to attend this FREE webinar.
Register on
Contact: +91-9745785250
Event Details →A joint initiative by PLay & YOS Sports Health Specialists.
Event Details →YOS inaugurating 3rd destination in Bangalore at PLaY Arena, Sarjapur Rd
Event Details →