Our team of physiotherapists specializes in restoring movement and function so that you can get out there and enjoy sports, active hobbies and leisure ac-tivities to your heart’s content. Our objective is to enhance your physical abili-ties.
MSK screening is a detailed physical assessment to understand the mechanics of your body. It gives us information about the affected part as well as the en-tire body since you function as a single unit and one segment is bound to im-pact the other. MSK screenings are aimed at flagging any underlying (subclin-ical) conditions and addressing them even before they start bothering you. Yes, it is possible to pick up these conditions in advance and nip them in the bud before they even affect you.
Descriptive and scientific evaluation of existing musculoskeletal disorder or pain to reach accurate diagnosis. Highly integrated with Sports medicine doc-tor for setting up the treatment objectives and clinical interventions.
The two fold objective of our physiotherapy department is-
A pre-operative rehab program focusses on maintaining and improving mus-cle strength and joint range for early recovery and to reduce the risk of com-plications post-operatively. The post-operative rehab continues till the time we are able to restore full function as per the goals set with you in at the start of rehab process. This is where our sports science department comes in with their expertise in strength and conditioning to help you achieve peak fitness.
YOS cater exclusive Pelvic girdle pain rehabilitation super speciality ser-vices with highly experience and skilled Physiotherapist & pain man-agement expert.
Pelvic girdle disorders include conditions like Sacroiliac joint pain or dys-function, pubic symphysis/ groin pain and all other muscles & joint relat-ed issues.
Sacroiliac joints dysfunctions, a variety of mechanical lower back pain, usually present with disabling one/both sided, non-radiating pain with sudden onset. Significantly poor core stability, sustained awkward pos-ture or repetitive movements are the activities which can lead to the pain and this can be managed by YOS pelvic girdle pain specialists.
Postural analysis of an athlete helps understand the errors which can af-fect performance.
Shoulder & spine posture deviations are significantly contribute to in-creased risk on injuries and affect the physical abilities.
Disturbed foot posture is the culprit for ankle, knee and hip injuries amount contact sports.
YOS Specialists can help you to understand your body attitude and can advise for postural re-education and injury prevention.
Manual therapy consists of joint mobilisations and soft tissue ma-nipulations for pain management, improving mobility of tissues, correction of joint malalignment and movements. All our physio-therapists are expert manual therapists who will also teach you self- mobilisations which can be performed at home along with the rehab program for early recovery.